M. T. Andrés

MT Andrés was born in Madrid, Spain.
Art foundation degree and First Class Honours bachelor degree in Fine Art at the School of the Arts and Drama of Loughborough University. (2014)
She lives in Münster, Germany.
Alternative german facts: http://www.part96.de/mitglieder/mta.html
Selected Exhibitions & Activities:
5/11/2023- 21/1/2024 20 Jahre KFM Jubiläumausstellung: "Connected", Galerie Münsterland, Emsdetten
12/11-11/12/2022 "Herbstgäste", Kunstspeicher Mettingen, Kunstverein Ibbenburen & Kulturspeicher Dörenthe
2020-2021 "1. Online Ausstellung aus der Coronazeit" http://www.part96.de/seiten/aktuell.html
30/01-1/03/2020 Gruppenausstellung (vier pArt96 Künstlerinnen) Stadhalle Hilptrup
12/09-11/10/2019 "Catch the Time" Exhibition, Volkhochschule Münster
07/09-26/09/2019 "Hautnah" Gallery Open Doors Day (Schauraum) and exhibition, Stadtwerke cityshop
07/7-04/08/2019 "KUNST SCHREIBT WÄNDE" KFM Exhibition in Hawerkamp
13/05-/07/2019 Art Showcase "Open Wall", Community Centre, Kap.8, Kinderhaus
20-21/10/2018 Group Exhibition Part96 "Ma(h)lwerke", Kulturverein Sassenberg Von-Galen-Str. 3, 48336 Sassenberg.
05/10-02/10/2018 Showroom "Vivat Pax", Stadthausgalerie, Platz des Westfälischen Friedens, Münster
01/09/2018 Group Exhibition Part96 "komm' unter meine decke", Art Open Doors Weekend, Schauraum Münster
23/04-25/06/2018 Art Showcase "Open Wall", Community Centre, Kap.8, Kinderhaus Münster
1/2018-6/2018 Solo Exhibition at Weldert Gallerie, Münster
02/02-30/03/2018 Group Exhibition Part96 "EinSpruch", Landgericht, Münster
04/09-16/09/2017 Participant in the Festival International des Arts Plastiques de Monastir-Tunisie
02/09/2017 Group Exhibition Part96 "groß & KLEIN", Art Open Doors Weekend, Schauraum Münster
30/04-30/06/2017 Art Showcase "Open Wall", Community Centre, Kap.8, Kinderhaus Münster
12/2016-03/2017 Group exhibition Part96 "Akzente 17", Airport Münster – Osnabrück (FMO)
21-23/09/2016 Group exhibition Part96 "H2Ooooh!", Water reservoir tower, Warendorf, Germany
02-03/09/2016 Group Exhibition Part96 "ARTenvielfalt", Art Open Doors Weekend, Schauraum Münster, Germany
04-22/07/2016 Group Exhibition Part96 "UNTIEFEN", Regierungspräsidium, Münster, Germany
06/2014 "Liminal Group Exhibition", within the Finals Exhibition, Loughborough School of the Arts and Drama, UK
05/2013 Group Exhibition "White", Loughborough University, UK
06/2011 “Reflections” within the Foundation Final Exhibition, Loughborough School of the Arts and Drama (LUSAD), UK
05/2017 Winner of the RADAR convocatoria para artistas prize for a Solo Show in galeria9 Valencia, Spain
06/2014 Edward Sharp Award of Loughborough University for one of my works from the Finals Exhibition
2011 “Aparencias Transparentes” digital collage work chosen for LUSAD Showcase
Art pedagogical work:
09/2018 Art Project and exhibition in Ryazan with Down Syndrome students from Münster and its twin city Ryazan [together with Part96]
05/2017 Art Project and exhibition "Von der Wirklichkeit zum Traum" in Münster with Down Syndrome students from Münster and its twin cities Ryazan (Rusia) and Lublin (Poland) [together with Part96]
02/14-06/14 Next Level Cafe - Charnwood arts, Development of art projects for young people and special needs adults, Loughborough, UK
10/13-01/14 Art zone - Charnwood arts, Loughborough Local artists assistant in art workshops for children (8-14 yrs), Charnwood Museum, Loughborough, UK