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June 2014: Liminal Group Exhibition


Ewan Thoth, Alberta Pessao and Andre af Maria



Three artists with the same aim: to explore liminality - also called the state in-between - neither having completely left one state, nor having arrived in the next, a time of transformation or the time between dream and wakefulness. Liminality is characterised by a state of confusion, ambiguity and disorientation where some rules are not anymore valid but emerging new rules have not yet become binding. This also implies that the liminal state is one of freedom, inspiration and possibilities. 


The photographic work of Ewan Thoth prompts us to enter his liminal landscapes, the in-betweens of two worlds, the upside down, the mirrored and the provisional, water acting as protagonist forming the uniting element of the individual works.

The selected mixed media works by Alberta Pessao bring the liminal into the making of art itself. She forms her compositions as possibilities based on chance encounters: rests of paint that artists discarded are composed into little organic abstractions. They represent an in-betweeness; a micro-world of discrete creatures that she provides with the opportunity of being.


The third in the group is the fine artist Andre af Maria. He constructs his personal foucaultian heterotopias and utopias – trying to unite different places and times in an imaginary sacred one. His video work is an explorative and intuitive investigation into dynamics and motion channeled through his own experiences as traveller. The presented example shows us the liminal time when one never seems to advance and sometimes even retraces ones steps backwards.





© 2014 by MT.  Andres

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